O. Campus Safety
Jason Kammerdiener (Unlicensed)
1. Campus Safety Department The Campus Safety Department is located at
88 Hamilton Street. For emergencies from on-campus phones, dial 911, or 228-7999 from off-campus phones. For routine business, dial 7333, or 228-7333.
The Director of Campus Safety has a professionally trained staff, augmented by student assistants. The Campus Safety Department is staffed 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.
While Colgate is a relatively safe campus, preventive measures should be taken to prevent you and your belongings from harm. Some of the safeguards we recommend are:
a. Never leave wallets or purses on top of desks or in plain sight; keep them in a locked cabinet or closed desk drawer.
b. Never lend keys or equipment to strangers.
c. When leaving the office, make sure that all windows which are accessible from the outside are closed and locked. All valuable items should be stored out of sight if possible. Doors should be locked, even if you will only be away for a few minutes.
d. Never prop open an outside door for someone who does not have a key to the building. Do not lend keys to the building to others.
e. Record serial numbers, model and brand names and descriptions of valuable items in the office. Keep a duplicate list in a separate location.
f. When alone in the office after hours and in the evening, it is best to keep the office door locked.
Immediately report all thefts, break-ins, vandalism, or suspicious persons or activities to the Campus Safety Department by calling 228-7333.
2. Fire Procedures If you have any reason to believe there is a fire:
a. Immediately sound the fire alarm by activating a fire alarm pull station at the nearest exit.
b. Notify the Campus Safety Department at 911.
c. Leave the building. Wait outside to direct the first emergency responder. The building must be evacuated when the fire alarm system is activated. No one is to reenter the building until the alarm system has been silenced and you are advised by Campus Safety that it is safe to do so.
3. University Fire Safety The Campus Safety Department provides fire prevention/fire safety information to all university constituencies on the campus and conducts fire drills in all buildings as required by the New York State Department of Education.
4. Speed Limits and Auto Safety All users of campus roadways must obey posted speed and traffic signs. The maximum allowable speed on campus is 25 mph, with certain sections or roads posted at 15 mph.
- Faculty Handbook - Table of Contents
- I. Organization of the University
- II. University Governance
- III. The Faculty
- A. Organization
- B. Academic Freedom and Professional Ethics
- C. Appointments, Tenure, and Academic Freedom
- D. Departments, Programs, and Divisions
- E. Mentoring
- F. Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion
- G. Decisions on Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
- H. Compensation and Benefits
- I. Retirement
- J. Equity Grievance Policy
- K. Professional Activities
- L. Leaves of Absence
- M. Teaching and Advising Responsibilities of Faculty Members
- N. Teaching in Other Programs
- O. Regulations on Appointments for Division of Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics
- P. Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion of Library Faculty
- IV. Academic Information
- V. Support Services and Miscellaneous Information
- A. Office of Corporate, Foundation, and Government Relations (Grants Office)
- B. Administrative Assistants
- C. Travel Policies
- D. Libraries
- E. Bookstore
- F. Information Technology Services (ITS) Facilities and Support
- G. Instructional Technology
- H. Campus Mail Services and Distribution of University Notices
- I. Document Services
- J. Purchasing
- K. Telephone Service
- L. Office of Communications
- M. Reserving Rooms
- N. Use of University Facilities
- O. Campus Safety
- VI. General University Policies
- Tracking Recent Changes