M. Reserving Rooms

M. Reserving Rooms

EMS (Events Management System) is a software solution that is used to schedule all campus events (classes, colloquia, special events) that use campus facilities.

The web interface at http://ems.colgate.edu provides Colgate users with a comprehensive schedule of campus events and tools to request spaces for their use.

  • To create an account in EMS which allows you to make reservation requests, you must have a Colgate network account and enter your network username and password when prompted
  • When off-campus, you must connect using a VPN (Virtual Personal Network) for security. 
  • Web reservation requests cannot be submitted within three (3) working days of an event. Contact a scheduler directly to make a request. A list of schedulers can be found on the virtual EMS site.

Questions about the system should be logged with the Colgate Helpline.


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