D. Smoking

D. Smoking

It is a goal of the University to reduce the health risks of faculty, staff, and students. A significant means of accomplishing this goal is to reduce the exposure to smoke and its adverse effects. Therefore, it is the policy and goal of the University to achieve a working and learning environment as close to smoke-free as possible and to comply with New York’s Clean Indoor Air Act.

To achieve this goal, all indoor areas of the University are designated as no-smoking areas, where no person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other form of smoking object, including vaping, e-cigarettes, and similar devices. No-smoking areas include, but are not limited to classrooms, all offices, hallways and entranceways, restrooms, elevators, lecture and meeting rooms, lounges, libraries, bookstore, dining areas, gymnasiums, theater, student health center, and athletic facilities. Smoking is also prohibited in Colgate-owned vehicles. 

Although all persons are strongly encouraged not to smoke at all on campus, smoking is allowed outdoors except in areas that are marked as being smoke-free and near doors and open windows. 

This policy seeks the mutual cooperation, consideration, and thoughtfulness of smokers and nonsmokers. All faculty, staff, and students share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy and have the responsibility for bringing it to the attention of visitors. Supervisors are expected to implement this policy in their areas.

A complaint or concern regarding this policy should be promptly referred to the immediate supervisor or appropriate Dean or Vice President for resolution. Colgate prohibits any retaliatory action to be taken against you for reporting a perceived violation of this policy. Your complaint will be given serious attention and a timely, objective investigation will be initiated. Violations of this policy will be dealt with in a manner similar to violations of other University policies, with an attempt to resolve the problem as simply as possible, but allowing for the possibility of disciplinary action if necessary.


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