A. Organization

A. Organization

1. Bylaws of the Board of Trustees Article IX of the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees (1981) defines the ranks and responsibilities of the Faculty as follows:

Section 1. The Faculty shall consist of the President of the University and those whose duties are primarily instructional or in the direct supervision of instruction, classified by rank as follows:

    • Professor
    • Associate Professor
    • Assistant Professor
    • Instructor

It shall also consist of part-time appointees with similar duties who are classified by rank as follows:

    • Professor (part-time)
    • Associate Professor (part-time)
    • Assistant Professor (part-time)
    • Instructor (part-time)

The voting privilege shall be extended to all faculty members in the above mentioned ranks, as well as all instructors of record of credit-bearing courses. In addition, members of the administrative staff designated by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Faculty.

Section 2. The Faculty shall hold stated meetings while the University is in session, and in addition shall meet at the call of the President. The President or the President's designated alternate shall preside at such meetings. The Faculty shall appoint a Secretary who shall keep a record of the proceedings at their meetings. They shall make such rules of procedure and provide for and appoint such committees as in their judgment may be necessary. In the event of the absence of the President, the Provost may call a Faculty meeting at the Provost shall preside.

Section 3. The Faculty shall: (a)prescribe, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, requirements for admission, courses of study, conditions of graduation, the nature of degrees to be conferred, and rules and methods for the conduct of the educational work of the University; (b) recommend to the Board of Trustees candidates for degrees in course work; and (c) designate persons to receive the awards of fellowships, scholarships and prizes. In addition, the Faculty may, subject to primary authority of the President, participate with the President, Deans and other officers of administration in matters of student discipline through such committee structure and under such conditions as the Board of Trustees shall approve.

2. Faculty Meetings Faculty meetings are held four times each semester. The President is the presiding officer; in their absence, the Provost and Dean of the Faculty presides.

The privilege to vote at faculty meetings is extended to the following groups:

a. All full-time or part-time personnel who hold the academic rank of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor. This includes members of the library faculty and physical education, recreation and athletics faculty. 

b. Anyone teaching a credit-bearing course as the instructor of record.

c. Certain members of the administration designated by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees. This list includes the following:

    • Provost and Dean of the Faculty
    • Vice President and Dean of the College
    • Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Investment Officer
    • Vice Provost for Administration and Planning
    • Secretary to the Board of Trustees
    • University Chaplain
    • Director(s) of Museums
    • Dean of Students
    • Dean for Administrative Advising and Student Conduct
    • Assistant Vice President for Residential Planning and Programs
    • Registrar

The right to vote for new people in old or new administrative positions will be determined by the President as specified in the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees.1

The privilege to attend Faculty meetings on a voice-but-no-vote basis is also extended to the President or Vice-president of the Student Senate. The quorum for the Faculty meeting is 70 voting members for matters which require a vote by the Faculty other than votes of a ceremonial nature.

The quorum is 50 voting members to conduct routine business such as the receiving of reports, initial discussions of resolutions, announcements, and resolutions of a ceremonial nature. The chair will rule on the needed quorum when necessary.

The Faculty reserves the right to exclude students, the press, and the general public from the Faculty meeting under exceptional circumstances, as determined by a majority vote of the faculty present.

The function of Faculty meetings in University governance is described more fully in Chapter II, Section C.1.

3. Convocations Two all-University convocations are held during the year: Founders’ Day held at the beginning of the Fall semester and Commencement, which is held in May. Members of the Faculty are expected to attend these convocations in academic dress. Any member of the Faculty who does not have academic costume can borrow one immediately preceding the convocation at an announced place.

4. Colgate Chapter of the AAUP The Colgate chapter of the American Association of University Professors is the national professional organization on campus for members of the faculty in matters primarily concerning academic freedom, and tenure. Membership in the AAUP is voluntary for all faculty members. Membership in the national organization is required for membership in the local. The local chapter is headed by an executive committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the editor of the chapter’s newsletter, and two Members-at- Large. The members of the executive committee and the chairs of standing committees comprise the executive council, which meets regularly. Full chapter meetings are held as issues may require them. The annual meeting for elections, reports, and other business is held in May.


1 This statement became effective in September 1980. It was the result of a recommendation to the President from the Committee on Faculty Affairs (transmitted to President Langdon in a memorandum dated November 5, 1979, and accepted by the President in a memorandum dated November 29, 1979).

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