The Student Senate is elected by and from the Student Association, of which all Colgate students are members, under rules laid down in the Constitution of that Association. The Senate meets regularly:
- to supervise all class elections and elections of all officers of the Association;
- to allocate funds of the Association in such a manner as it deems advisable;
- to interpret the Constitution of the Association and amend it as necessary;
- to vote “sense of the Senate” resolutions;
- to bring up and air matters which should be studied by one of the Boards or one of the Standing or Liaison Committees, to consider any matter under discussion by any of them, and to receive regular reports from the various Boards and Committees of the Governance System;
- to direct the Student Affairs Board to initiate a study in any matter under its jurisdiction and to inform the Student Senate of its findings;
- to direct the Student Affairs Board to act upon any matter within the Board’s jurisdiction;
- to review legislation passed by the Student Affairs Board and request, when it wishes, that the Board reconsider a decision;
- to elect a Committee to consult with the Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure to devise procedures for determining student opinion regarding the evaluation of instruction;
- to elect, through the Electoral College (all Senators and alternates), student representatives to the various Boards and Committees of the Colgate Governance System and other Committees. The Student Senate shall fill any unexpired terms that may fall vacant during the course of the year.