B. Constitution of the Colgate Governance System

B. Constitution of the Colgate Governance System

Preamble The Colgate Governance System is the mechanism by which the campus community deals with matters of significance. It functions consistent with the Bylaws of the Colgate University Board of Trustees and does not pre-empt the prerogatives of the Trustees, the President of the University, or the Faculty.

1. Academic Affairs Board The Board’s responsibilities include long-range academic planning, the curriculum, the definition of academic integrity, academic advising, registration, academic calendars, graduation requirements, the granting of credits, and other matters directly related to the academic functions of the University. Policies regarding academic integrity are the joint responsibility of the Academic Affairs Board and the Student Affairs Board.

The Academic Affairs Board has two functions: (a) Legislative The Board proposes legislation to the Faculty, which has the power to approve, reject, or amend such proposals. Amendments by the Faculty deemed substantive by the Chair are referred back to the Academic Affairs Board. The Board may accept the faculty amendment(s) to the original legislation, which means the legislation becomes policy; or it may ask the Faculty to reconsider, suggesting any revisions the Board wishes, which would require another majority Faculty vote on the amendment(s) and main motion before the legislation became policy.1 All legislative action taken by the Board is reported to the Faculty for action at its next regularly scheduled meeting. (b) Advisory The Board also acts in an advisory capacity to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty on academic matters.

A Faculty member chosen by the elected faculty members of the Board, reports to the Faculty on a regular basis and conveys sense-of-the-Faculty resolutions and agenda items to the Academic Affairs Board. A student, chosen by the student members of the Board, reports to the Student Senate on a regular basis and conveys sense-of-the-Senate resolutions and suggested agenda items to the Board.

The membership of the Academic Affairs Board is as follows:2

  • Dean of the Faculty (chair)
  • 5 Faculty (one each from the Divisions of the Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, and University Studies; elected by the faculty for three-year terms, which are renewable once)
  • 3 Faculty (elected at-large by the faculty for three-year terms, renewable once)
  • 5 Division Directors (1/2 vote each)
  • 4 students
  • University Librarian (1/2 vote)
  • President of the Student Association (1/2 vote)
  • Associate Dean of the Faculty (ex officio, nonvoting)
  • Dean of the College (ex officio, nonvoting)
  • Registrar (ex officio, nonvoting)

A majority by one full vote is needed for any motion to succeed. The Chair is entitled to vote on all matters. No proxy votes may be cast. If the President exercises the right to vote, it is in place of the Dean of the Faculty.

The eight faculty members are elected by the faculty, in such a way that divisional representation is maintained, for three-year terms, which are
renewable once. The eight faculty members are chosen in such a way that at least four members will have been granted tenure by the time their terms begin. Of the student representatives, three are elected at-large by the Student Senate for one-year terms, which may be renewed as long as a student remains matriculated. The fourth student is the Chair of the Student Government Association (SGA) Academic Affairs Committee. The Board may appoint non-voting consultants as it deems appropriate.

The Academic Affairs Board has the power to establish, reconstitute, and abolish standing committees. At least one member of each standing
committee is drawn from the membership of the Academic Affairs Board. The need for each standing committee must be reviewed every three years. All standing committees created by the Board consist of faculty members elected by the Faculty, students elected by the Student Senate, and other members as deemed appropriate by the Board.

The Board has four standing committees:

a. The Committee on Academic Advising The Committee on Academic Advising is responsible for all aspects of Colgate’s programs for academic advising. The Committee will (a) respond to questions and requests proposed to it by the Board; (b) review proposed changes in policies and programs affecting academic advising; and (c) review existing academic advising policies and programs and make recommendations to the Board as seems desirable to the Committee. The Committee will meet at least once each semester.

The membership of the Committee on Academic Advising will consist of:

    • Chair of Academic Advising, a faculty member appointed to a three- year renewable term by the Dean of the Faculty
    • 4 Faculty members (one each from the Divisions of the Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, and University Studies; elected to staggered three-year terms by the Faculty
    • 2 Students elected by the Student Senate
    • The Chair of the First-Year Seminar Program
    • A representative of the Academic Affairs Board
    • Dean of First-Year Students (ex officio)
    • Director of Academic Program Support (ex officio)
    • Registrar (ex officio)

Examples of individuals who might act as consultants to the committee (as specific circumstances require) may include: the Director of Undergraduate Studies, a representative of the Health Sciences Advisory Committee, a representative of the Department of Educational Studies certification programs, the Director of Career Services, and the Chair of the Committee on Standards and Academic Standing.

b. The Assessment Committee The Assessment Committee is responsible for supporting the learning assessment coordinator in overseeing the annual assessment reports of departments and programs; developing and proposing for consideration by the AAB policies and procedures for appropriate uses of learning assessment data; developing and proposing for consideration by the AAB means of assessing the university-wide learning goals established in the Spring of 2010 and the residential education goals of the dean of the college; overseeing the implementation of those measures going forward; and contributing to self-studies and periodic reports in connection with reaccreditation. The Committee also acts as an advisory group for the Office of Institutional Planning and Research.  This may include: reviewing institution-wide student and faculty survey data not otherwise restricted, advising on policies for use of survey data, and advising on the circulation of survey data for the review of faculty and/or student requests for institutional data.  The Associate Vice President for Institutional Planning and Research will normally provide a report to the committee once each term.

The membership of the Assessment Committee is as follows:

    • Assessment Coordinator, a faculty member appointed by the Dean of the Faculty
    • Associate Vice Provost for Institutional Planning and Research
    • Associate Dean of the Faculty
    • Representative from the office of the Dean of the College (to be appointed by the Dean of the College)
    • University Studies Division Director or their appointee representing the CORE
    • Four faculty (one each from the Divisions of the Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, and University Studies; elected by the faculty for staggered three-year terms, which are renewable)
    • University Librarian or their appointee
    • Student representative from the Academic Affairs Board

c. The Committee on Athletics The Committee’s responsibilities include physical education, intercollegiate athletics, club sports, intramural athletics, and recreational activities. The Committee (a) develops policy legislation for consideration by the Academic Affairs Board, and (b) acts as an advisory body to the Director of the Division of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, and (c) appoints faculty liaisons to each athletic team for one-year terms (which may be renewed) in consultation with the Athletic Director and Office of Student Athlete Academic Services. The Committee reports its activities on a regular basis to the Academic Affairs Board, Faculty, and Student Senate.

The membership of the Committee on Athletics is as follows:

    • Director of the Division of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics
    • 5 Faculty (one each from the Divisions of the Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, Social Sciences, and University Studies; elected by the faculty for three-year terms, which are renewable)
    • 1 Faculty member of the Academic Affairs Board (elected by the members of the Academic Affairs Board for a one-year term, which is renewable)
    • 3 Students (2 students elected by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee for one-year terms, which are renewable; and 1 student elected by Student Senate for a one-year term)
    • Director of Student Athlete Academic Services
    • Patriot League Policy Member Representative
    • Colgate Faculty Athletic Representative to the NCAA
    • Head Coach (appointed by the Committee on Athletics)
    • Dean of the Faculty (or designate)
    • Dean of the College (or designate)
    • Title IX Deputy
    • University President (ex officio)

The Chair of the Committee on Athletics is elected annually by the membership of the Committee.

d. The Curriculum Committee This committee deals with questions and problems of all parts of Colgate’s curriculum. The Committee will (a) respond to questions and requests proposed to it by the Board; (b) review proposed changes in policies affecting the curriculum and make recommendations to the Board; and (c) review existing curricular policies and make recommendations to the Board as seems desirable to the Committee.

The membership of the Curriculum Committee is as follows:

    • 4 Faculty (one each from the Divisions of the Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, and University Studies)
    • 1 Student representative from the Academic Affairs Board
    • 1 Student (elected by the Student Senate)
    • Associate Dean of Faculty (ex officio, nonvoting)
    • Registrar (or designate; ex officio, nonvoting)

The Chair of the Curriculum Committee is a faculty member elected by the Curriculum Committee.

All new courses, i.e., those not listed in the Colgate University Catalogue, must be approved by the faculty on the Curriculum Committee before being offered. A faculty member who wishes to have a new course approved should complete the appropriate form (available online) and secure the approval of the department or program chair and the division director, who will forward the request to the Curriculum Committee for action. This should be completed by early February for inclusion in the next Catalogue.

2. Student Affairs Board The Board’s responsibilities include student services and activities, residences, student conduct and procedures for discipline, and other matters directly related to the extracurricular life of students of the University.

The Student Affairs Board has two functions: (a) Legislative The Student Affairs Board enacts appropriate legislative policies in the area of student affairs with two exceptions: major policy decisions or departures as defined by the President of the University are referred to the Conference

Board (see below); policies regarding academic integrity are the joint responsibility of the Student Affairs Board and the Academic Affairs Board. (b) Advisory The Board acts as an advisory group for the Dean of the College and the Dean’s staff, including the areas of Residential Life, Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, and the Center for Leadership and Student Involvement. In its advisory role, the Board acts to review proposed policy changes in its area of responsibility.

The Vice President of the Student Association reports issues under consideration and decisions by the Student Affairs Board to the Student Senate. Sense-of-the-Senate resolutions and suggested agenda items are conveyed to the Student Affairs Board by the same officer. A faculty member, chosen by the elected faculty members of the Board, reports to the Faculty on a regular basis and conveys sense-of-the-Faculty resolutions and suggested agenda items to the Student Affairs Board. Other agenda items relating to administrative policy changes may be brought to the Board by the Dean of the College or the chair.

Legislation passed by the Student Affairs Board is reported to the Student Senate by the Vice President of the Student Association. The Student Senate may, if it wishes, express disagreement and request the Board to reconsider the legislation, pass it in amended form, or reject it. In either of the first two cases, the action of the Board will become official University policy immediately unless remanded to the Conference Board by the President.

The membership of the Student Affairs Board is as follows:

  • Dean of the College
  • President of the Student Association or Vice President of the Student Association
  • 4 Students
  • 3 Faculty (elected at-large by the Faculty for three-year terms, renewable once)
  • 1 Faculty (appointed by the University Student Conduct Board from its membership)

The four students are elected at-large by the Student Senate for one-year terms, which may be renewed as long as a student remains matriculated. The Disciplinary Officer and the Director of Residential Life serve as nonvoting consultants. The Dean of the College annually appoints two additional staff members to serve as nonvoting consultants. The Board may appoint other nonvoting consultants as it deems appropriate.

The Chair is elected yearly by the membership of the Board and is entitled to vote on all matters. No proxy votes may be cast. If the President exercises the right to vote, it is in place of the Dean of the College.

The Student Affairs Board has the power to establish, reconstitute, and abolish standing committees. At least one member of each standing committee is drawn from the membership of the Student Affairs Board. The need for each standing committee must be reviewed every three years. All standing committees created by the Board consist of faculty members elected by the Faculty, students elected by the Student Senate, and other members as deemed appropriate by the Board.

3. Conference Board The Conference Board is called into existence infrequently and only for extraordinary issues. The President may convene the Conference Board to consider unusually significant matters confronting the University. The Board has the responsibility of advising the President of the matter in question.

Also, decisions made by the Student Affairs Board which are declared by the President to be major policy decisions or departures affecting the overall nature of the University are remanded to the Conference Board. The Conference Board is empowered to make University policy on such issues, consistent with the Bylaws of the Trustees. Sufficient time should elapse in the Conference Board's discussions of any issues so that the Faculty and Student Senate may pass independent sense of Faculty and sense of Senate resolutions if so desired by each body.

The membership of the Conference Board includes the President of the University (who chairs the Conference Board), all voting members of the Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Boards, and the Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee. All members of the Conference Board have one full vote. The Associate Dean of the Faculty serves as nonvoting secretary.

4. Liaison Committees The Liaison Committees have two main functions:

(a) Liaison The committees meet regularly with the responsible administrative officers to review and discuss matters which arise in each area and report directly to the Faculty and Student Senate. (b) Advisory The committees function as advisory bodies to the administrative officers involved. These committees may, on occasion, find it desirable to make proposals of a legislative policy nature. Such proposals are referred to the appropriate Board.

Membership on Liaison Committees is defined as below, but when issues emerge, the existing members of each committee may appoint additional members or consultants as they deem appropriate. Information and issues are discussed as determined by the administrative officers and members of the committees. It is the responsibility of the members of the committees to be informed about the issues in their area, with the cooperation of the administrative officers. The committees report their activities on a regular basis to the Faculty and Student Senate.

a. University Property Committee This Committee is concerned with plans for the use and renovation of existing facilities and other physical resources, and with the planning of new facilities. Its function include (1) the broad consideration of the impact (including aesthetic features) of any project on the larger community—students, faculty, and staff; and (2) the sharing of information regarding such projects within the University community. Some projects, once underway, may involve building committees, and a faculty member from this committee will serve as a liaison on all such committees.

The membership of the Committee is as follows:

    • Vice President for Finance and Administration
    • 6 Faculty (elected for three-year terms; one from each of the following: Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, University Studies, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, and at-large)
    • 2 Students (elected at large by the Student Senate for two-year terms)
    • President of the Student Association (or designate)
    • Vice Provost for Administration and Planning (or designate)
    • Dean of the College (or designate)
    • Director of Sustainability
    • Director of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action.

The committee meets regularly and normally once per month. The Committee will report regularly, and no less than once a year, to the faculty. The Chair is elected annually from the faculty members by the membership of the Committee.

b. The Committee on Admission and Financial Aid This Committee is concerned with the policies and implementation of policies governing the admission of students and the granting of scholarships and student aid. Legislative or policy proposals of the Committee are referred to the Academic Affairs Board.

The membership of the Committee is as follows:

    • Dean of Admission
    • Director of Financial Aid
    • Associate Vice President for Budget and Financial Aid
    • 4 Faculty (elected at large by the Faculty for three-year terms)
    • 3 Students (elected at large by the Student Senate for one-year terms)

The Chair is one of the faculty members, elected for a two-year term by members of the Committee.

c. The Committee on Budget and Financial Planning This Committee is concerned with long-range financial planning and projections and the preparation of yearly budgets. It has the responsibility of advising the President on yearly budgets and matters related to financial planning and projections. The Committee normally functions as an advisory committee on budget issues during the fall term and on financial planning issues during the spring term.

The membership of the Committee is as follows:

    • The President of the University
    • Dean of the Faculty/Provost
    • Vice President for Finance and Administration
    • President of the Student Association or Vice President
    • 4 Faculty (elected at large by the Faculty for three-year terms)
    • 2 Students (elected at large by the Student Senate for one-year terms)

The Committee is chaired by the President of the University or the Provost, as determined by the President. Consultants to the committee are the Associate Vice President for Budget and Financial Aid, the Associate Provost, the Dean of the College, and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

d. The Committee on ALANA (African American, Latin American, Asian American, Native American) Affairs This Committee is concerned with the quality of the experience of African American, Latin American, Asian American, Native American, and other communities of color at Colgate.

The membership of the Committee is as follows:

    • Dean of the College
    • 4 Faculty (elected at large by the Faculty for three-year terms)
    • 4 Students (elected at large by the Student Senate for one-year terms)

The following individuals serve as consultants to the Committee on ALANA Affairs: the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of the ALANA Cultural Center. The Committee is chaired by the Dean of the College unless the Committee votes to elect one of its other members as chair.

e. The Committee on Information Technology This committee serves as a principal means of communication among faculty, students, administration, and staff on all matters relating to the use of information technology. It reviews College policies, plans, and priorities relating to computing, networking, and information technology resources, and when it deems appropriate, suggests revisions.

The membership of the Committee on Information Technology is as follows:

    • 5 Faculty (one from each division: Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, University Studies, and PERA)
    • Chief Information Technology Officer
    • University Librarian
    • Representative of the Core Curriculum
    • 2 Students (elected by the Student Senate)
    • 3 Non-faculty Employees

f. The Library Advisory Committee This committee serves as a principal means of communication among faculty, students, and administration on matters relating to the library. It functions to support library and teaching faculty relationships, advise the library staff on acquisitions policies and priorities, and provide advice on other issues of interest to the teaching faculty and student body.

The membership of the Library Advisory Committee is as follows:

    • 5 Faculty (elected from each division: Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, University Studies and PERA)
    • University Librarian
    • Chief Information Officer
    • 2 Students (elected by the Student Senate)

The chair will be selected from the faculty elected to serve on the committee.

5. Task Forces The Colgate Governance System has been developed to address issues that are of a recurring nature and/or that can be associated with a particular area of concern within the University. At times, however, significant issues arise that are all-University in nature or that encompass several areas of responsibility. In these cases, the President of the University may find it desirable to appoint ad hoc Task Forces, which report directly to the President. Such an action has official standing within the Governance System. Task Forces are appointed only for a specific period of time and have two functions: (1) they serve as advisory groups to the President of the University, and (2) they make legislative proposals to the Academic and/or Student Affairs Boards, if appropriate. The President appoints the chair and membership of the Task Forces.

6. Amendments Proposals for amending the Governance System will be directed to either the Academic Affairs Board or Student Affairs Board, as appropriate. Proposals receiving a majority vote from either Board will be referred to the Faculty. Before acting on a proposed amendment the Faculty will allow at least two weeks for the Student Senate to consider and react to the proposed amendment. Ratification by the Faculty requires a two-thirds vote by those present and voting at a regularly constituted Faculty meeting.


Legislation Flow Chart:

  1. Academic Affairs Board passes legislation; sent to the Faculty.
  2. Faculty:
    - May pass the legislation, which means the legislation becomes University policy.
    - May reject the legislation; the legislation does not become University policy.
    - May amend and vote to remand the legislation. If the amendments are deemed substantive by the Chair of the Faculty meeting, the legislation is remanded to the Academic Affairs Board.
  3. Academic Affairs Board receives amended legislation:
    - May accept the Faculty amendments by a majority vote, which means the legislation becomes University policy.
    - May ask the Faculty to reconsider the original legislation; sent back to Faculty.
    - May revise the original legislation and Faculty amendments; sent back to Faculty.
  4. Faculty:
    - May vote to approve the revised legislation suggested by the Academic Affairs Board by a majority vote, in which case the legislation becomes University policy.
    - May vote to approve its original action on the amendments and main motion by majority votes in which case the legislation becomes university policy.
    - If neither vote succeeds, the legislation is considered rejected.

2 The President of the University sits as an ex officio, voting member on all Boards and Committees.

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