II. Policy Coverage

II. Policy Coverage

This policy sets forth behavioral expectations for all members of the Colgate community: students, faculty and staff. This policy applies to conduct that occurs on Colgate’s campus or property and to all Colgate programs and sponsored activities. Non-community members (guests, alumni, vendors, parents, etc.) visiting our campus or participating in university programs or events are also expected to abide by the behavioral expectations set forth here. This policy also applies to off-campus conduct under certain circumstances. For example, it applies when students travel off campus as part of a university activity or team, or when employees travel on Colgate business.

 Conduct that occurs off campus and not in connection with Colgate programs may violate this policy if the conduct creates a threatening or hostile environment on campus or within a Colgate program, or if the incident causes concern for safety or security of Colgate’s campus.

 A complaint that this policy has been violated will be addressed through the university’s Equity Grievance Process. The Equity Grievance Process applies regardless of the status of the parties involved, who may be students, student organizations, faculty, administrators, or staff. Complaints made by non-members of the Colgate community against students, student organizations, faculty, administrators, or staff are also subject to the Equity Grievance Process.

 The associate provost for equity and diversity serves as Title IX Coordinator and oversees implementation of the Equity Grievance Process for responding to complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault, discrimination, discriminatory harassment and other violations of this policy.

Inquiries may be made to:

Marilyn (“Lyn”) Rugg, Ph.D.

Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity & Title IX Coordinator
The Office of Equity and Diversity
102 Lathrop Hall
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

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